StarK-GLATT OUR STORY: Kosher Pastured Meats
Why Pastured Meat?
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Why Pastured Meat?

Sep 18th 2017


Raising animals on pasture is good for you and the planet. It's also a surefire way to make some delicious meat. If you're new to pastured meats, read on. You might also want to check our Glossary for an explanation of terms.


You can taste the difference in meat that was raised on grass. The animal literally got the chance to be an animal: chickens scratching at dirt, eating bugs and grass; cows ambling over green fields, munching away on clover, bluestem and other forage grasses. The meat will have more flavor because the animal ate a range of different natural foods, and because it had a chance to move around and develop its muscles.

Your health

Our animals are never fed growth hormones or synthetic feeds. They are treated with antibiotics only when they are sick, not as a routine part of their diet as is common on large feedlot operations. Their natural diet of pasture, hay and grains means that you don't have to wonder about what you're putting in your body: nothing but good meat. Not only will you taste the difference when you eat pasture-raised meat, your body will thank you (and your kids and grand-kids will, too).

Strong Rural Communities

The countryside that you love to drive through stays green because the people who live there can support their farms and families as they have for generations. This is increasingly difficult due to rising land prices, falling commodity prices, and consolidation in the food business. When your meat is produced far away, do you really know what is going on down on the farm? By paying small farmers a premium price for the best pasture-raised meat, we re encouraging them to stay on the land and keep doing what they do best. This means strong rural communities, and delicious food for us. Eat your view!

Carbon Footprint

Bringing animals to slaughter over long distances consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. If those animals are already eating corn grown with heavy doses of petroleum-based fertilizers, the carbon footprint really starts to add up. We strive to ensure that our animals never have to travel more than a few hours from farm to processing, and the grass that the animals eat grows right under their feet -- no transportation necessary, fertilizer provided through direct applications of manure! Having our animals raised, processed and consumed as nearby as possible means we're treading lighter on the earth.
